Monday 24 June 2013

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Smartphones to Warn of Heart Problems Soon.

A new smartphone being developed is set to revolutionise the way we manage healthcare by warning people impending heart attack.

Nano thin silicon heart and blood monitoring tattoos on people's arms,which will send a signal to a smartphone if the data indicates a health problem are the basis of new technology.

Heart patients will be sporting the tattoos on their arms within five years and ten years of time people could be sporting the technology inside their hearts.

MC10 is the Boston-based technology company behind the tattoos and is now investigating the potential of micro-chips that are being inserted via catheter on to the heart's inner lining from where a signal will be sent to the patient's phone.

A patient who has a history of cardiovascular disease could be informed, in real time, that they have elevated levels of phosphorus in their blood, which can be a leading indicator for a possible heart attack.

Other ground-breaking health gadgets being developed include disposable computer chips that would let us test our blood one drop at a time and which could drastically cut down laboratory waiting times.

Personalised drugs that target certain genes could do wonders in the treatment of cancer or identification of genetic diseases in foetuses. 

For the latter, research is under way into taking blood samples from the mother and separating out the baby's DNA, avoiding the invasive embryonic fluid testing that is the current practice.
And a Star Trek-style scanner, the Scanadu Tricorder, can read your vital signs and pick up whether or not you or your children are sick.

At a basic level this technology is available in watches that measure your heart rate and perspiration, they're on the market already. 

There is a major need in the health sector to use technology to improve patient information access, increase care delivery at the home and improve health system operational effectiveness.

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