Friday 21 June 2013

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Call Anyone in the World with a hidden number

Hi friends....!
Today I am going to post a trick with which you can fool your friends.
You can call your friend with a fake Caller ID(Number).

Follow these Steps:- 

  1. Go to
  2. Select your country.
  3. Enter The number that you want to appear on your friends phone when he receives the call.(e.g9876543210) 
  4. Enter The number of the friend you want to fool or prank. eg-9501300192
  5. You can also change your voice to low, normal, High pitch.
  6.  Now click the button GET ME THE CODE.
  7. You will get a phone number and a code as shown below.  
  8. Now call to the number which you got from the site and you will be asked to enter the code. Enter the code and after 2 seconds it will connect to the friend you want to fool or prank.
NOTE:-  This service charges Rs.10 per minute.
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