Saturday 6 July 2013

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Chitika-The Best Adsense Alternative to Earn From Your Website or Blog

Are you tired of your application for publisher ads being disapproved by Google Adsense every time?
Here's a solution for your problem.
Chitika is the destination for publishers looking to maximize online revenue.
Sign Up for Chitika Publisher ads and monetize your website or blog with huge payments.

Chitika is an online ad network that caters over four billion strategically targeted ads each month to a network of over 300,000+ sites, making it the second largest network of its kind. Chitika ads are known across the industry for their ability to perform unlike any other, leveraging its proprietary targeting and optimization technology - a delicate blend of “Art + Science”- to ensure delivery of intent driven ads to the right user, at the right time and in the right place.Chitika’s advertising partners include; Yahoo!, Super Media, hibu and Home Advisor, among others, and are leveraged by publishers in the network to drive audience engagement and boost revenue.

There are many strict rules and regulations by Google Adsense for publishers  which hinders them from earning from their website or blog.

Publishers need at least 1000 Page views daily of their website or blog for their application to be approved by Google Adsense which is difficult for the new publishers.

Moreover, Chitika's ads are also applicable on mobile.You can earn huge amount as mobile internet users are increasing day by day whereas on PC the number is decreasing.

Chitika provides two type of publisher ads- Silver Ads and Golden Ads.
Silver ads are applicable on websites or blogs which have about 150-200 page views daily and golden ads are applicable on those websites or blogs which have about 5000 page-views daily.

Chitika's Golden Ads provides huge revenue much more than Adsense.

You can also sign-up for Chitika's  Advertising program with which you can advertise your product or website.

You can also earn from Chitika's referral program. You can earn 10% of referred publisher revenue for first 10 months. Chitika's Referrer toolbox is filled with banners, buttons, badges

Chitika pays you fast $10 minimum via PayPal and $50 via Cheque.

Ads provided by Chitika-

Search Targeted Ads-
By taking the intent targeting of search engine results and placing it onto your site, the ads are seen by people based on their search. This greatly increases the chance that users will click on the ads, as the content is directly related to their search query.
Local Ads-
Chitika's Local Ad Exchange allows you to display local ads to your site's visitors based on their location.

Mobile Ads-
Chitika's mobile ads for publishers feature the same wide, intent-driven distribution of the full  Chitika advertising network, but use a special technology that caters to the needs of advertisers and publishers looking to target and monetize traffic in different ways. Mobile ads are served based on device rather than site, so the full selection of mobile traffic is eligible to receive mobile ads.
Linx ad code - Linx ad units(in text ads) can be run in addition to Chitika's standard ad units and works best on sites with lots of text content. The code will scan the page, determine the words which should net the highest CPCs and underlines them. When the user mouse-s-over the word, a small, highly targeted text ad is shown.  

Hover ad code - Hover ad units(a slider unit) can also be run in addition to the other ad types. It also targets incoming search terms and in the absence of that, it targets page content. The unit is a small window that slides in the frame from the right-hand side. 

Sign Up for Chitika Now.


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